A Prayer For City Light Community Ministries, Abilene, Texas

“To love is to live according to his [God’s] commandments: this is the commandment which you have heard since the beginning, to live a life of love.”
            2 John: verse 6 (The Jerusalem Bible)

“In our life of truth and love, we shall have grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father.”
            2 John: verse 3 (The Jerusalem Bible)

Heavenly Father, teach us to be still
and know that you are God. [Psalm 46: 10]

Consecrate us in the Truth [John 17:17]
of your Word, what you require
of us: only this,

to act justly, to love tenderly,
and to walk humbly with our God. [Micah 6: 8]

Thank you for sending Jesus,
the Way, the Truth, and the Life, [John 14: 6-7]
to bear witness to God’s love for us. [John 18: 37-38]

May your Holy Spirit guide us,
protect us from Evil, [John 17: 15]

lead us to those in need
of your mercy, love, and peace. [Jude: verse 2]
May it be.